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Work-Study Process:

    学生可浏览及选择勤工俭学职位(see below) or on the bulletin board (1st Floor Berg) 通过邮件收发室查找他们感兴趣的职位.
    学生可浏览及选择勤工俭学职位(see below)或到招聘中心(Main 104)寻找他们感兴趣的职位 applying for.
  • 学生与财政援助部门检查,以确定他们是否有资格 for work study.
  • 财政援助办公室将通知人力资源部,学生是 批准的工作,HR将开始工作研究处理 (学生将通过电子邮件联系,以竞争背景调查信息,然后 remaining employee paperwork). 一旦这些步骤完成,学生和部门经理将被通知, 学生将能够开始在他们的职位上工作.

招聘时,鼓励他们与教职员工核实是否可行 job opportunities.

Work-Study Guidelines:

人力资源部将联系学生完成就业文件并进入学生 into employment system. 所有勤工俭学的学生必须完成整个流程 开始工作,在所有必要的文书工作完成之前不会收到薪水 submitted to the Payroll Department.


their work study hours.

学生必须全日制上课才能保持勤工俭学的资格。 否则他们的雇佣关系将被立即终止!
A WORK-STUDY CANNOT 上课时间以外的工作时间!

Current Work-Study Job List
( Trinidad Campus )

  • Accounts Receivable Assistant
    学生将协助财务处工作. Duties include: assisting with 整理和组织文件和文书工作. Other duties as assigned. Simple addition and subtraction are required.
    Supervisor: Zak Williamson  zachary.williamson@trinidadstate.ed

  • Administrative Assistant 
    学生将协助导师处理行政事务. Duties include: Student 作为电话和个人联系的附加点,是否支持指导老师. Student 为课堂、考勤、成绩簿提供文书/技术支持 同步,电子邮件,会议和日历更新,组织课堂材料,归档, 撰写会议记录,协助完成电子文件和纸质文件 其他分配的行政工作.
    Supervisor: Micah Velasquez

  • Advising Office Assistant 
    学生将协助学术咨询部门. Duties include: general office 工作,包括但不限于扫描、归档、问候学生预约、 安排约会、接电话、留言. Other duties as assigned.
    Supervisor: Bryce Seamans

  • 美术工作室助理(2个职位)
    学生将协助艺术部完成各项工作 监督工作室的固定时间,以保持工作室对艺术学生开放 并以导师/助理的身份协助他们的工作. Assist in maintaining studio 整理,整理,打扫,协助工作室准备工作. Assist the art department 春季艺术展和La Morada杂志的出版物,其中包括一些 电脑工作(word, adobe培训). Other duties as assigned. This position 是否只对每学期至少选修一门工作室课程的学生开放 that they hold the position.
    Supervisor: Ily Reiling

  • 体育教练助理(4个职位)
    学生将协助运动教练进行赛前准备和拆除. Student 协助维护培训室,为员工提供一个安全的环境 recovery. Other duties as assigned. Training room hours 9:30am – 5:30pm.
    Supervisor: Jose Mariscal

  • Automotive Assistant
    学生将协助汽车部门工作. Duties include: General clean-up, 整理工具,扫地,清洁车间地板,管理库存,维护 采购物资并协助其他指定的工作.
    Supervisor: James Brunelli

  • Baseball Field Maintenance (3 positions)
    学生将协助TSC棒球教练组. Duties include: General field prep, maintenance, moving dirt, etc. 协助项目的维护和改进 baseball field. 主管、教练组或运动员分配的其他任务 director.
    Supervisor: Jason Veyna

  • Baseball Film & Video Assistant (3 positions)
    学生将协助TSC棒球教练组. Duties include: assisting the TSC Baseball Coaching Staff. 职责包括:记录练习、混战和比赛 for coaches & 玩家用于玩家发展和玩家推广. Other duties 由主管、教练组或运动主管指派的.
    Supervisor: Jason Veyna

  • Baseball Laundry Assistant (3 positions)
    学生将协助TSC棒球教练组. Duties include: Collect, clean, 为TSC棒球项目组织和维护干净的制服和球衣. Other 主管、教练组或运动主管指派的任务.
    Supervisor: Jason Veyna

  • Baseball Manager (2 positions)
    学生将协助TSC棒球教练组. Duties include: Assisting Coaching 工作人员在整个秋季和春季季节与棒球管理. Varied duties as assigned by Coaching staff.
    Supervisor: Jason Veyna

  • Biology Lab Assistant
    学生将作为实验室助理协助生物系. Duties include but are 不限于:帮助建立实验室/教室,帮助清洁,协助温室. Other duties as assigned.
    Supervisor: Clifford Wiening

  • Biology Lab Assistant
    学生将作为实验室助理协助生物系. Duties include but are 不限于:帮助搭建和拆卸实用工具,整理实验材料(器官); 协助管理尸体室和校对作业. Other duties as assigned.
    Supervisor: Kevin Walker

  • 统筹助理(2个职位)
    学生将协助学术部门工作. 职责包括但不限于:制作 复印,在校园周围放置/收集传单/标牌,粉碎文件,记录 库存,最小的物理清理和移动材料在马萨里剧院.
    Supervisor: Desi Maxwell

  • Custodian Assistant
    学生将协助一般的清洁和建筑维护. Duties include: Disinfecting, 倒垃圾、清洁家具、扫地、拖地、吸尘、除尘等 duties as assigned.  
    Supervisor: Theresa Martinez

  • Library Assistant
    学生将迎接所有进入的学生/教职员工和公众 library. 协助学生办理图书馆资料的登记和借出,提供帮助 patrons find & 获取图书馆资料,与图书馆工作人员一起编目 书,完成任何额外的任务. Library hours: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm.
    Supervisor: Calvin Smith

  • Mailroom Clerk (2 positions available)
    Student will assist in mailroom. 职责包括:处理进账和出账 mail. 学生将收到UPS, USPS, FEDEX的快递. Students will check-in 包裹,为员工和学生整理邮件和包裹. Students will monitor and track package pickups in logbook. Other tasks as assigned.
    Supervisor: LaVonne Ellenbecker

  • Makerspace Monitor
    Student will assist in the Makerspace. 职责包括:学生将灵活工作 计划覆盖特定的日期和时间来监控创客空间区域并确保 the  code is adhered to. 学生将监控用户,以确保用户没有滥用 或从创客空间区域移除设备和用品,监控用品,协助 当用户有能力时,执行轻微的清洁任务. **了解一些设备是加分项,但不是必需的. ** 
    Supervisor: Donna Haddow

  • Marketing Work Study
    学生将协助市场部工作. Duties include: Attending events on campus and taking photos/videos. 协助创建有助于品牌的图形 TSC. 在校园里散发即将举行活动的传单. Assist Marketing Coordinator with 其他市场需求或其他分配的职责.
    Supervisor: Justin Bustos

  • 男子篮球经理/助理(3个空缺)
    学生将协助男子篮球项目的各个方面. Including: team 洗衣服,训练准备,比赛日准备,参加其他体育赛事,打扫健身房, bus cleaning and other assigned duties.
    Supervisor: Mike Folda

  • Office Assistant (Student Services)
    Student will assist in Student Services. Duties include, but not limited to: Assist 欢迎和指导人员正确的资源人员. Assist with answering 电话,办公室工作,包括电脑数据录入,复印和 协助主管安排的其他工作.
    Supervisor: Alicia Massarotti

  • 足球项目办公室经理(8个空缺)
    学生将协助TSC足球教练组. Duties include but are not limited 到:拍摄比赛/训练课程,办公室工作,比赛日统计,比赛日准备, 协助其他体育部门或校园项目及其他分配的任务 由TSC教练组或TSC体育总监.
    Supervisor: Peter Freeman

  • Softball Assistant
    Student will assist the softball staff. 工作职责包括:工作让步和协助 在体育赛事期间,现场工作,排好比赛场地,洗衣和其他职责 as assigned.
    Supervisor: Stephen Swazo

  • 学生中心助理(多个职位)
    Student will assist in the Student Center. Duties include: Vacuum, sweep, mop all areas (Center, office, kitchen). 倒垃圾时,更换垃圾袋(擦干净垃圾桶) needed). Check and wipe down bathrooms as needed. Wipe down all equipment when it’s returned (including TV remotes). 关闭班次:关闭窗户,关闭百叶窗和 lock doors. Student Center hours: 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
    Supervisor: Omar Cano

  • Volleyball Manager (2 positions available)
    学生将协助TSC排球教练组. Duties include, but not limited 协助训练(管理时间,击球等.) assisting with travel and game day set up. 一定会洗衣服,练3个游戏设置吧. Set up camera to film games. 其他由TSC教练组或体育总监分配的任务.
    Supervisor: Karli Salazar

  • 举重室主管(多个职位)
    学生将协助监控健身房/健身房用户. Duties include: Checking equipment and cleanliness of area. 执行公布的健身房和健身房的规定. Putting weights away and maintaining clean area. Other assigned duties as needed.
    Supervisor: Mike Salbato

  • Women’s Basketball Manager / Assistant
    学生将协助TSC篮球教练组. Duties include: Run clock/iPad 练习时,灌水,扫地,洗制服 & help set up team ice/hot baths. Other duties as assigned. 
    Supervisor: Jennifer Hugins


Current Work-Study Job List
(Valley Campus )

  • Automotive Assistant
    学生将在奥尔特加中学的汽车部门工作. Duties include: 一般清洁,整理工具,扫地,清洁车间地板,管理库存; 维护店铺用品,并协助其他分配的工作.
    Supervisor: Tanner Kingery

  • Custodian Assistant (Trinidad / Valley)
    学生将协助一般的清洁和建筑维护. Duties include: Disinfecting, 倒垃圾、清洁家具、扫地、拖地、吸尘、除尘等 duties as assigned.  
    Supervisor: Theresa Martinez
  • Curriculum Writer / Reviewer
    学生将在执法训练学院部门担任课程助理 writer / reviewer. 日常职责包括:审查标准和课程要求 set by the Colorado P.O.S.T. as well as Trinidad State College. Duties may also include 根据总监的标准和最佳实践更新课程计划和课程. Between 10-20 hours per week.
    Supervisor: Tate Kindschuh

  • E-Sports Arena Supervisor/Manager
    学生将协助山谷校区的电子竞技竞技场. Duties include: Overseeing 电子竞技竞技场,保持竞技场清洁,清洁电脑,监控社区 晚上,帮忙招聘和做广告. Other duties as assigned by the Supervisor.  
    Supervisor: Kyle

  • Financial Aid Office Assistant
    学生将协助财政援助部门. Duties include filing, organizing documents, answering & 回电话,和班纳一起检查学生的 要求,协助处理财务援助邮件和主管分配的其他任务.
    Supervisor: Jennifer Hutchens

  • Medical Assistant
    Student will assist in medical department. Duties include: Filing, organizing, making 复印,协助老师备课. Other duties as assigned.
    Supervisor: Yvette O’Brien

  • 学生参与:同伴参与-办公室助理
    学生将协助学生参与/学生生活部门. Duties include 但不限于:协助书店登记,组织和归档文件 还有学生生活资料,接电话,回电话,帮忙安排和接电话 记下各种学生生活事件,参与和参与学生生活 other activities hosted by TSE. Other duties as assigned.
    Supervisor: Amaya Atencio

  • Student Engagement: Titus the Trojan
    学生将协助学生参与/学生生活部门. Duties include 但不限于:扮演提图斯的角色,传达情感、能量和热情 通过夸张的动作、手势和身体动作. Encourage audience participation and engagement. Other duties as assigned.
    Requirements性格友好,有能力与他人积极互动并代表他人 professionally. 必须能舒适地穿着受限服装表演,能见度有限 and mobility. 灵活的工作时间(如有需要,包括夜间和周末). 15 hours a week or less.
    Supervisor: Amaya Atencio